Dr. Carmen Tesch-Biedermann
E-Mail: office@ruhr-ip.com
Phone: [+49] (201) 17 00 35 90Hanns-Schwindt-Str. 11
81829 München
Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
European Trademark Attorney
European Design Attorney
Graduate physicist
Professional Resume
Study of physics with minors in mathematics and physical chemistry, focusing on biophysics, medical technology and laser spectroscopy. Research assistant at the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics in Garching and doctorate at the LMU Munich on the topic of “Development of Molecular Quantum Computing”. Subsequently, distribution manager in the automotive field of Ingolstadt. Working in the field of intellectual property since 2003. 2006 German Patent Attorney qualifying examination and start of self-employment.
European Patent, Trademark & Design Attorney.
Legal Focus
Comprehensive protection of innovation: not only the technical idea and its protection, but rather its marketing and accompanying protection through trademarks and design rights! Coaching of young entrepreneurs and company founders as regards protection of innovation and marketing of ideas. Seminars and talks related to patents, trademarks & design.
Technological Focus
Physics, optics, quantum optics, quantum cryptography, laser spectroscopy, laser technology, material processing, process engineering, thermodynamics, general mechanics, consumer products, software, renewable energies, medical technology, biophysics, physical chemistry.
Chamber of Patent Attorneys, EPI, AIPPI, FICPI, DPG, VDI, GRUR, VPP, BayPat, Pavis, Freundeskreis KAS
Recipient of KAS-scholarship for the highly talented (1993-99)